A 74-year-old man was brought to our hospital for an acute exacerbation of respiratory failure. He had severe progressive dyspnea for a few days and had received home oxygen therapy for 4 years. Chest radiography revealed a giant bulla occupying the entire right hemithorax with a remarkable shift of the mediastinum to the left. Chest radiographies of previous 4 years had shown the bulla occupying half of the right hemithorax. It had expanded to its present size over the past month. Treatment consisted of immediate puncturing of the bulla followed by elective intracavity drainage. An urinary catheter was inserted into the bulla under local anesthesia. There was persistent aid leakage from the bulla. A histoacryl-lipiodol mixture was used for bronchial occlusion, and intracavity instillation of minocycline was performed to collapse the bulla. Air leakage from the bulla had ceased on the next day, and the bulla was completely eliminated.