Allele frequencies and statistical parameters of forensic efficiency for 30 deletion-insertion polymorphisms (DIPs) were estimated in six Mexican populations. For this purpose, 421 unrelated individuals were analyzed with the Investigator DIPplex kit. The Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium was demonstrated for this 30-plex system in all six populations. We estimated the combined power of discrimination (PD ≥ 99.999999%) and combined power of exclusion (PE ≥ 98.632705%) for this genetic system. A low but significant genetic structure was demonstrated among these six populations by pairwise comparisons and AMOVA (F ST ≥ 0.7054; p ≤ 0.0007), which allows clustering populations in agreement with geographical criteria: Northwest, Center, and Southeast.
Keywords: Amerindians; DIPs; Indels; Investigator DIPplex; Mestizos; Mexican populations; Purépechas.