A 37-year-old woman, who presented with low grade fever and productive cough, was admitted for evaluation of an abnormal shadow on chest X-ray film. On physical examination, she had bilateral hallux valgus and funnel chest, the center of which was at the fifth rib on the right edge of the sternum. Since chest CT scan, selective bronchography, pulmonary arteriography and aortography revealed that she had pulmonary sequestration in the right cardiophrenic region associated with localized cystic bronchiectasis in the right S7b, she received right lower lobectomy. Histological examination showed the cystic change of bronchioli and a small number of emphysematous alveoli in the right S7b adjacent to the sequestered lung. The bronchopulmonary structure of right S7a was almost intact. It might be speculated that the existence of the sequestered lung constituted to the deterioration of the development of the lung and the rib cage adjacent to it.