The discovery of synchronous hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer poses a tactical problem ticklish to resolve. What are favourable circumstances for curative excision of hepatic metastases? When and how to operate them? To try to respond, we analysed a collective of 36 patients between 10. 1. 1985 and 30. 12. 1986. Of the patients staged Dukes B presenting synchronous hepatic metastases (less than 4, less than 50% of hepatic involvement by the tumour) without systemic involvement, excision at the first attempt is realizable and will be a benefit for the patient. For the others, excision is to be considered in the near future after having analysed (tumour grading and staging, CEA, ploidy of primary tumour). Patients presenting extrahepatic metastases will not benefit from hepatic resection. Surgery, associated or not to regional infusion chemotherapy is discussed.