Objectives: The "silent sinus syndrome" (SSS) also known as imploding antrum syndrome or chronic maxillary sinus atelectasis consists of painless enophthalmos and inward retraction of the ipsilateral maxillary sinus walls. The aims of the present study were: i) to look for a correlation between the level of volume asymmetry of the maxillary sinuses and the presence of ophthalmological and rhinosinusitis signs, ii) to determine the benefits of a middle meatal antrostomy in SSS cases, and iii) to evaluate the preventive role of neuronavigation surgery in the morbidity of this specific surgery.
Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed the data of 13 patients operated on for a SSS by middle meatal antrostomy, with the aid of neuronavigation in 7 cases. The median follow up was 30 months. No reconstruction of the orbital floor was performed. Morphometric analysis and modeling of the sinus volume from the preoperative CT scanners were performed to assess the impact of the loss of sinus volume on the symptoms.
Results: all patients displayed a retraction of the orbital floor. There was a significant correlation between the magnitude of the decrease in sinus volume and clinical manifestations. Surgical treatment allowed rhinosinusitis symptom disappearance in 53% of patients. Ophthalmological symptoms did not decrease, but stayed stable after the surgical treatment. When neuronavigation surgery was performed, no complications were observed.
Conclusion: SSS symptoms correlated with the reduction of volume of the maxillary sinuses. This measure may be related to the severity of the disease. The middle meatal antrostomy seemed sufficient to stop the evolution of the SSS, avoiding the occurrence of severe enophthalmos. Neuronavigation surgery helped preventing serious eye complications.