The purpose of the review is to demonstrate the results of dosimetric passportization (performed in 1991-2014) for the settlements of Ukraine which suffered from radioactive contamination caused by the Chornobyl accident. The dosimetric passportization played a key role in the National program on the liquidation of aftermath of the Chornobyl accident directed on recovery through all stages of the current radiation situation control and decision support touching upon various types of interventions and social benefits to the population of radioactively contaminated areas. The works being performed under dosimetric passportization did not have analogues among the researches which took place after other large-scale industrial and municipal accidents as well their scales as the duration of both radio-ecological and dosimetric monitoring.The new methodological approaches to the assessment of so-called passport doses of a settlement as well as to the definition of the concept of annual dose being the dose used to make decisions for providing both direct and indirect emergency countermeasures for the settlements of Ukraine became pioneering ones. During all the post-accident period there were issued sixteen collections of general dosimetric passportization data which accumulate the results of hundreds of thousands spectrometric, radiochemical and radiation levels measurements and WBC measurements carried out in 1991-2014.The annual passport doses calculated on the basis of these measurements (including their components) are unique information that quantifies the level and time dynamics of the radiation situation for each of the 2161 settlements of 74 raions in 12 oblasts during all the post-accident period. Thanks to the works of dosimetric passportization of the settlements of Ukraine there were created databases to be unique in their structure and content with quantitative characteristics of the territorial and temporal distribution, the dynamics of changes of a number of important radiological parameters, namely over 500 thousands of measurements of concentration of 137Cs and 90Sr in the local foodstuff (milk and potatoes); there are more than 1.3 million of measurements of the cesium content in the body of residents of the settlements of Ukraine; there are 100 thousands of dose estimates (both internal and external ones were measured separately) of inhabitants living on the radioactively contaminated areas. The results of the dosimetric passportization served as one of the main exposure criteria for generalized aftermath of the Chornobyl accident represented in the National reports for the first 15, 20 and 25 years after the accident.
Meta ogliadu – uzagal'nennia rezul'tativ Kompleksnoi dozymetrychnoi pasportyzatsii (shcho provodylas' u 1991–2014 rr.) naselenykh punktiv (NP) Ukrainy, iaki zaznaly radioaktyvnogo zabrudnennia pislia Chornobyl's'koi avarii. Dozymetrychna pasportyzatsiia vidigrala kliuchovu rol' u Zagal'noderzhavnii programi likvidatsii naslidkiv Chornobyl's'koi katastrofy na vsikh etapakh kontroliu potochnogo radiatsiinogo stanu ta pidtrymky pryiniattia rishen' shchodo riznykh vydiv vtruchan' i sotsial'nykh pil'g naselennia radioaktyvno zabrudnenykh terytorii. Roboty, vykonani v ramkakh dozymetrychnoi pasportyzatsii, ne maly analogiv sered doslidzhen', iaki maly mistse pislia inshykh shyrokomasshtabnykh promyslovykh ta komunal'nykh avarii iak za masshtabamy, tak i za tryvalistiu radioekologichnogo ta dozymetrychnogo monitoryngiv. Novators'kymy staly metodologichni pidkhody do otsinky pasportnoi dozy NP, a takozh do vyznachennia kontseptsii richnoi dozy, iak dozy dlia pryiniattia rishen' dlia vvedennia priamykh ta nepriamykh kontrzakhodiv dlia NP Ukrainy. Vprodovzh us'ogo postavariinogo periodu bulo vydano shistnadtsiat' Zbirok zagal'nodozymetrychnoi pasportyzatsii, iaki akumuliuiut' rezul'taty soten' tysiach spektrometrychnykh, radiokhimichnykh ta LVL-vymiriuvan', shcho buly provedeni u 1991–2014 rr. na radioaktyvno zabrudnenykh vnaslidok Chornobyl's'koi avarii terytoriiakh. Rozrakhovani na osnovi tsykh vymiriuvan' richni pasportni dozy (ta ikh komponenty) ie unikal'noiu informatsiieiu, shcho kil'kisno kharakteryzuie riven' ta chasovu dynamiku radiatsiinogo stanu dlia kozhnogo z 2162 NP 74 raioniv 12 oblastei vprodovzh us'ogo pisliaavariinogo periodu. Zavdiaky robotam z dozymetrychnoi pasportyzatsii buly stvoreni unikal'ni za svoieiu strukturoiu i zmistom bazy danykh, iaki mistiat' kil'kisni kharakterystyky terytorial'no-chasovogo rozpodilu i dynamiky zmin nyzky vazhlyvykh radiologichnykh pokaznykiv, a same: vmist 137Cs ta 90Sr u produktakh kharchuvannia (moloka ta kartopli) mistsevogo vyrobnytstva (ponad 500 tys. vymiriv); ponad 1,3 mln vymiriv vmistu radiotseziiu v organizmi meshkantsiv NP Ukrainy; blyz'ko 100 tys. otsinok doz oprominennia (okremo zovnishn'ogo i vnutrishn'ogo) zhyteliv NP, iaki roztashovani na radioaktyvno zabrudnenykh terytoriiakh. Rezul'taty dozymetrychnoi pasportyzatsii vykonuvaly rol' odnogo z osnovnykh dozovykh kryteriiv pry uzagal'nenni naslidkiv Chornobyl's'koi avarii, predstavlenykh u Natsional'nykh dopovidiakh za pershi 15, 20 ta 25 rokiv pislia avarii.
Keywords: General dosimetric passportization; dosimetric passport of a settlement; ecological and dosimetric model; passport dose; radio-ecological dosimetric monitoring; the Chornobyl accident.
I. A. Likhtarov, L. M. Kovgan, S. V. Masiuk, O. M. Ivanova, M. I. Chepurny.