Background: The physical working conditions and the musculoskeletal health of industrial workers have an effect on their work ability.
Objective: The paper evaluates the effectiveness of an ergonomic learning program focused on the development of low strain working techniques. The project is evaluated in regard to its capacity to improve and sustain the work ability of industrial workers with high physical work demands.
Method: 249 employees at an industrial work site were followed over 2½ years. About one third of the employees were selected into differentiated courses according to the severity of musculoskeletal disorders. The reference group consisted of the departments that did not participate. The project was evaluated by using questionnaires and interviews.
Results: The evaluation of the project only showed minor, non-significant increases in the work ability of the group of employees participating in the most intensive activities. Self- reported productivity increased in all departments, with the largest improvement found among the employees in the department, where everyone participated in a course (8.6% , p = 0.003).
Conclusions: Work ability is composed of many different factors, physiological, physical as well as psycho-social and this may explain the only limited results even of the extensive project activities in the present study. However, the evaluation indicated that job rotation in combination with more healthy work methods could sustain the work ability of employees with more severe musculoskeletal disorders.
Keywords: Musculoskeletal pain; aging workers; productivity; working techniques.