A 70-year-old man with prostate cancer (adenocarcinoma; pT3aN0Mx; GS: 4 + 4) underwent radical prostatectomy and lymph node dissection in February 2008. In December 2009, biochemical recurrence occurred and prostate-specific antigen progressively increased to 4.63 ng/mL despite local salvage radiotherapy and androgen deprivation. Ga-PSMA PET/CT showed a positive left iliac lymph node and a pathological left pulmonary lesion, which was highly positive in a subsequent F-FDG PET/CT. Lymph node resection confirmed an adenocarcinoma metastasis of the prostate cancer and lung surgery demonstrated a sarcomatoid metastasis of prostate cancer. After surgery, prostate-specific antigen decreased to 0.03 ng/mL.