In this chapter we describe methods for long-term preservation of ascomycete genus Colletotrichum species. Colletotrichum species employ a hemibiotrophic infection strategy and cause clear anthracnose diseases on various host plants including the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Their infection proceeds in a highly synchronized manner, which is helpful for the dissection of the fungus-plant interactions at the molecular level. Gene engineering methods, including efficient protocols for targeted gene disruption, and whole-genome sequences are available for several Colletotrichum species. Thus, these pathogens provide us with model systems to address the molecular mechanisms underlying hemibiotrophic fungal pathogenicity.We describe how to prepare glycerol stocks or filter paper fungal stocks for long-term preservation of Colletotrichum species. These two methods are easily handled, and provide a stable preservation for at least a few years.
Keywords: Colletotrichum species; Filter paper stocks; Glycerol stocks.