Purpose of review: Discuss the current status and obstacles that need to be overcome in the future to provide patient-centered care with left ventricular assist device (LVAD) therapy.
Recent findings: LVADs offer both longer survival and improvements in quality of life for carefully selected patients with inotrope-dependent heart failure. Yet, this technology does not come without significant risk of adverse effects and burdens. Recent observational data comparing LVAD with medical therapy in ambulatory, noninotrope-dependent patients with advanced heart failure suggest that survival may be similar and changes in quality of life may depend on baseline status. As both LVAD technology and medical therapy continue to evolve, there are many unanswered questions regarding the benefits, risks, and burdens of LVAD therapies in less severe heart failure populations.
Summary: Further research is needed to ensure the optimal delivery of LVAD therapy, including improved patient selection, implantation timing, device type, and decision support. VIDEO ABSTRACT.