Introduction: Traumatic neglected dislocations of hip in children are rare entity. Neglected traumatic dislocations of hip in children along with heterotopic ossification are still rare. Post traumatic neglected hip dislocations are to be diagnosed as early as possible and have to be treated with precision and aggression as the outcome of treatment for the same is not predictable.
Case report: 5 year female with post-traumatic neglected hip dislocation with heterotopic ossification forming a pseudoacetabulum postero-superiorly in which femur head was lodged. The girl was operated by open reduction using Moore's Posterior approach and showed good results. Here is a mention of a rare case with a good 18 months follow up with no complication.
Conclusions: Post-traumatic neglected posterior hip dislocation mostly requires open reduction and relocation of femoral head in original acetabulum with concentric reduction. Heterotopic ossification is a rare but known complication of traumatic dislocation of hip in children. Good results can be achieved in such cases and regular follow-up of patient is required post-operatively.
Keywords: Neglected Post-traumatic; heterotopic ossification; hip dislocation.