Background: The emergence and dissemination of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) is a global threat. Characterizing the human microbiome among hospitalized patients and identifying unique microbial signatures among those patients who acquire MDROs may identify novel infection prevention strategies.
Methods: Adult patients admitted to 5 general medical-surgical floors at a 649-bed, tertiary care center in Boston, Massachusetts, were classified according to in-hospital antimicrobial exposure and MDRO colonization status. Within 48 hours of hospital admission (baseline) and at discharge (follow-up), rectal swab samples were obtained, and compared with samples from an external control group of healthy persons from the community. DNA was extracted from samples, next-generation sequencing performed, and microbial community structure and taxonomic features assessed, comparing those who acquired MDROs and those who had not, and the external controls.
Results: Hospitalized patients (n = 44) had reduced microbial diversity and a greater abundance of Escherichia spp. and Enterococcus spp. than healthy controls (n = 26). Among hospitalized patients, 25 had no MDROs at the time of the baseline sample and were also exposed to antimicrobials. Among this group, 7 (28%) acquired ≥1 MDRO; demographic and clinical characteristics were similar between MDRO-acquisition and MDRO-nonacquisition groups. Patients in the nonacquisition group had consistently higher Lactobacillus spp. abundance than those in the acquisition group (linear discriminant score, 3.97; P = .04).
Conclusions: The fecal microbiota of the hospitalized subjects had abnormal community composition, and Lactobacillus spp. was associated with lack of MDRO acquisition, consistent with a protective role.
Keywords: acquisition; hospital; microbiome; multidrug-resistant organisms; risk factors.
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