New therapeutic modalities for Ethmoidal Adenocarcinomas are presented. Thirty three patients harbouring such a tumour have been treated during the last four years. Twenty three were included in the following protocol:--the first step consisted in inductive chemotherapy based on a four-day course of continuous cisplatine (CDDP) and 5-fluoro-uracyl (5-FU infusion)--the second step was the tumour removal, which was performed through a combined transfacial and subfrontal approach. A contralateral ethmoidectomy was always performed. The integrity of the sphenoidal sinus was systematically checked. The cranial base was reconstructed with madreporic coral grafts; then a large extra-dural pediculated galea flap was placed onto the anterior base to line the sub-frontal dura. The authors discuss the results of this series of rare tumours.