In order to define cytoskeletal domains of the mammalian photoreceptor, actin and tubulin were localized in adult retinae of mouse and human. For light-microscopic localization, actin was labeled using fluorescent phalloidin or monoclonal antibodies against actin, and tubulin was labeled using monoclonal antibodies against alpha- and beta-tubulin in an immunocytochemical method. Actin and tubulin were also localized by ultrastructural immunocytochemistry in the mouse. Filamentous actin was present in the retina at the outer limiting membrane and in synaptic terminals, especially of the cones, while globular actin was observed additionally in the inner segments. Müller cell cytoplasm and apical microvilli at the outer limiting membrane were also labeled for filamentous actin. Alpha- and beta-tubulin were evident throughout the photoreceptors, including the inner segments, but not in the synaptic terminals or at the outer limiting membrane. In the early postnatal retina of mouse, actin and tubulin were present at the ventricular surface. This pattern changed as photoreceptors fully elongated and as synaptogenesis occurred in the outer plexiform layer.