Quantum-beat based dissipation for spin squeezing and light entanglement

Opt Express. 2016 Aug 22;24(17):19094-111. doi: 10.1364/OE.24.019094.


We show an engineered dissipation for the spin squeezing and the light entanglement in a quantum beat system, in which two bright fields interact with an ensemble of three-level atoms in V configuration. The dissipation is based on the atom-field nonlinear interaction that is controlled by the atomic coherence between the excited states off two-photon resonance. Physical analysis and numerical verification are presented for the symmetrical parameters by using the dressed atomic states. It is shown that for particular parameters, the engineered dissipation induces almost perfect two-mode squeezing and entanglement both for the bright fields and for the dressed spins. The excited-state spin has squeezing of near 40% below the standard quantum limit although there remains the spontaneous emission from the involved excited states.