In 2015, the Japanese Society of Child Neurology released new guidelines for the management of febrile seizures, the first update of such guidelines since 1996. In 1988, the Conference on Febrile Convulsions in Japan published "Guidelines for the Treatment of Febrile Seizures." The Task Committee of the Conference proposed a revised version of the guidelines in 1996; that version released in 1996 was used for the next 19years in Japan for the clinical management of children with febrile seizures. Although the guidelines were very helpful for many clinicians, new guidelines were needed to reflect changes in public health and the dissemination of new medical evidence. The Japanese Society of Child Neurology formed a working group in 2012, and published the new guidelines in March 2015. The guidelines include emergency care, application of electroencephalography, neuroimaging, prophylactic diazepam, antipyretics, drugs needing special attention, and vaccines. While the new guidelines contain updated clinical recommendations, many unsolved questions remain. These questions should be clarified by future clinical research.
Keywords: Antihistamine; Antipyretics; Diazepam; Electroencephalogram; Lumbar puncture; Midazolam; Status epilepticus; Theophylline; Vaccine.
Copyright © 2016 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.