Jitter analysis of timing-distribution and remote-laser synchronization systems

Opt Express. 2016 Sep 19;24(19):21752-66. doi: 10.1364/OE.24.021752.


We present a powerful jitter analysis method for timing-distribution and remote-laser synchronization systems based on feedback flow between setup elements. We synchronize two different mode-locked lasers in a master-slave configuration locally and remotely over a timing-stabilized fiber link network. Local synchronization reveals the inherent jitter of the slave laser as 2.1 fs RMS (>20 kHz), whereas remote synchronization exhibits an out-of-loop jitter of 8.55 fs RMS integrated for 1 Hz - 1 MHz. Our comprehensive feedback model yields excellent agreement with the experimental results and identifies seven uncorrelated noise sources, out of which the slave laser's jitter dominates with 8.19 fs RMS.