Purpose: The study was performed to study the effect of cycloplegia on anterior chamber depth (ACD) in cataract eyes. One instrument (Lenstar) was used for all measurements.
Methods: Anterior chamber depth calculations were taken with the Lenstar in cataract eyes with a mean age of 71.9±8.8 years before instilling cycloplegic drops. Two drops of Tropicamide were then instilled in each eye and measurements were retaken between 30 to 45 min later.
Results: Cycloplegia with a mild agent used routinely in this practice location showed a statically significant effect on increasing ACD by 0.0647±0.01 in the OD and 0.0758±0.02 in the OS.
Conclusions: Anterior chamber depth can be important in the final refractive result postcataract surgery. The results of a change in effective lens position would be most significant in higher intraocular lens powers.