We report a case of percutaneous coronary intervention in a bifurcation lesion involving left circumflex (LCx) artery and 2 major posterolateral (PL) arteries. The target LCx had diffuse long and severely calcified lesion with the acute takeoff angle from the left main. Despite adequate lesion preparation with rotational atherectomy and balloon angioplasty, the stent was not deliverable, even with deep intubation of 7Fr-guiding catheter. Conventional use of guiding extension catheter (GEC) would have required removal of a wire from at least one PL because of the device interference in the GEC. However, successful stenting was achieved without removal of wires from both PL with 7Fr GuideLiner. We have also demonstrated this mechanism on ex vivo bench testing.
Keywords: Bifurcation; GuideLiner; Side branch protection.