There is currently no effective real-time patient dosimeter available for use in interventional radiology (IR). We conducted a feasibility study in a clinical setting to investigate the use of the new dosimeter using photoluminescence sensors during procedures. Reference dosimeters were set at almost the same position of the prototype dosimeter sensors. We found excellent correlations between the reference measurements and those of the prototype dosimeter (r2=0.950). The sensor of the new dosimeter does not interfere with the IR procedure. The new dosimeter will be an effective tool for the real-time measurement of patient skin doses during IR.
Keywords: Dosimeter; Fluoroscopically guided interventional procedure; Interventional radiology (IR); Radiation dose; Real-time monitoring; X-ray fluoroscopy.
Copyright © 2016 Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.