Although the progress of high resolution mass spectrometry in the past decade has enabled the molecular characterization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in water as a whole, fractionation of DOM is necessary for a comprehensive characterization due to its super-complex nature. Here we proposed a method for the fractionation of DOM in a wastewater based on solubility and acidic-basic properties. Solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges with reversed phase retention and ion-exchange adsorption capacities, namely MAX and MCX, were used in succession to fractionate a petroleum refinery wastewater into four fractions: hydrophobic acid (HOA), hydrophobic neutral (HON), hydrophobic base (HOB), and hydrophilic substance (HIS) fractions. According to the total organic carbon (TOC) analysis, 72.6% (in term of TOC) of DOM was extracted in hydrophobic fractions, in which HON was the most abundant. Hydrophobic extracts were characterized by negative and positive ion electrospray (ESI) Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS), respectively. Compounds with multiple oxygen atoms were predominant in the HOA, which were responded strongly in the negative ESI MS. Nitrogen containing compounds were the major detected species by positive ion ESI in all hydrophobic fractions. The molecular composition of the DOM were discussed based on the FT-ICR MS results. The fractionation provided salt free samples which enables the direct analysis of the fractions by ESI and a deep insight into the molecular composition of DOM in the wastewater. The method is potential for routine evaluation of DOM in industry wastewaters, as well as environmental water samples.
Keywords: Dissolved organic matter; ESI; FT-ICR MS; MAX; MCX; SPE.
Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.