Introduction: Avulsion fractures of the anterior superior iliac spine are rare. Therefore, evidence-based treatment guidelines do not exist. The therapeutic options are either conservative treatment or surgical intervention. The decision depends on grade of dislocation, age of the patient, and his sportive demands and competitive requirements.
Materials and methods: We present the cases of two young athletes suffering from traumatic avulsion fractures of the anterior superior iliac spine. In both cases, the musculotendinous unit (sartorius muscle and tensor of the fascia lata) remained attached to the loose dislocated fragment. Both patients were treated by means of open reduction with a new surgical technique using suture anchors.
Results: Both patients were pain-free 4 weeks after surgery and had full range of motion. They were able to return to their preoperative sportive activity levels 10 weeks after surgery. No complications were reported at final follow-up 18 months postoperatively.
Conclusion: Operative treatment of avulsion fracture of the ASIS using suture anchors shows excellent clinical outcome and a short convalescence period. The patients achieve their preinjury sportive levels within 3 months.
Keywords: Anterior superior iliac spine; Avulsion fracture; Surgical reduction; Suture anchor; Young athletes.