In laser based radiation flow experiments, drive variability can often overwhelm the physics sensitivity that one seeks to quantify. Hohlraums can help by providing a more symmetrized, Planckian-like source. However, at higher temperatures, the hohlraum's actual emission can deviate significantly from a truly blackbody, Lambertian source. At the National Ignition Facility (NIF), Dante provides the best quantification of hohlraum output. Unfortunately, limited diagnostic access coupled with NIF's natural symmetry does not allow for Dante measurements at more than two angles. As part of the CEPHEUS campaign on NIF, proof-of-principle experiments to better quantify the gold M-band isotropy were conducted. These experiments positioned beryllium/aluminum mirrors at differing angles, offset from the hohlraum. Filtering removes the thermal emission of the hohlraum and the remaining M-band radiation is preferentially absorbed in the aluminum layer. The subsequent hydrodynamic motion is measured via VISAR. Although indirect, this M-band measurement can be made at any angle.