This Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Statistical Brief examines the characteristics of SNHs and all inpatient stays at these facilities in 2014 among 40 States that constitute approximately 90 percent of the U.S. population. SNHs are compared with non-safety-net hospitals (non-SNHs). To define safety-net status, the percentage of Medicaid and uninsured inpatient hospitals stays, out of all stays at the hospital, was computed. Hospitals were ranked within States, and SNHs were defined as those with a percentage of Medicaid and uninsured discharges in the top quartile within the State, which is consistent with past research.,, In 2014, there were 4,103 total community nonrehabilitation hospitals (i.e., acute care hospitals) across these 40 States, of which the top quartile, or 1,040 hospitals, were defined as SNHs—hospitals with the largest percentage of Medicaid and uninsured discharges. Differences between SNHs and non-SNHs of greater than 10 percent are noted in the text.