We proposed and demonstrated terahertz (THz) pulse detection by means of multilayered GeTe/Sb2Te3 phase-change memory materials that are also known as a multilayer topological insulator-normal insulator (MTN) system. THz time-domain spectroscopy measurement was performed for MTN films with different multilayer repetitions as well as a conventional as-grown Ge-Te-Sb (GST) alloy film. It was found that MTNs absorb THz waves and that the absorption coefficient depends on the number of layers, while the as-grown GST alloy film was almost transparent for THz waves. Simple MTN-based THz detection devices were fabricated, and the THz-induced change in the current signal was measured when a DC bias voltage was applied between the electrodes. We confirmed that irradiation of THz pulse causes a decrease in the resistance of the MTNs. This result indicates that our devices are capable of THz detection.
Keywords: THz detection; THz spectroscopy; chalcogenide superlattice; multilayer system; phase change material; topological insulator.