Objective: To explore effect of fluorochloridone on primary co-cultured sertoli-germ cell of rat and its possible mechanism. Methods: primary co-cultured sertoli-germ cell was made by two steps of en-zyme digestion with SD rat testes, after 24h of Sertoli-germ cell isolation, A 0.1% DMSO solvent control group and three FLC exposure groups (10-6、10-7、10-8 mol/L) were selected, cultured cell for 24h, then MTT assay and index detection of oxidative stress were performed. Results: The mortality of primary co-cultured sertoli-germ cell exposed to 10-6 mol/L FLC was significantly higher than control group and FLC exposure groups (10-7、10-8 mol/L) (P<0.05) . 10-6 mol/L FLC reduced enzyme activity of CAT, SOD and GSH. Px, depressed GSH level, el-evated MDA level, and had significant difference than control group and FLC exposure groups(10-7、10-8 mol/L) (P<0.05) . 10-7 mol/L FLC decreased enzyme activity of CAT than control group, depressed enzyme activity of SOD than 10-8 mol/L FLC, lowered GSH level than control group and FLC exposure groups (10-8 mol/L) , and had statistical difference (P<0.05) . Conclusion: FLC can damage primary co-cultured sertoli-germ cell of rat, its possible mechanism is relevant to oxidative stress.