In a questionnaire 1016 students were asked for their attitudes towards pediatricians (ped.), general physicians (GP), children's psychiatrists and homeopathists. The survey was carried out in high-schools, in secondary schools, in technical colleges and in special schools for retarded children. To the question "which doctor should treat you in case of illness" 14% of the 13th year chose a pediatrician, 70% a GP, 6% a specialist. From the 16 year olds only 3% wanted a ped., but 60% a general physician and 20% a specialist. In case of mental or psychiatric illness 4% of the 13 year olds chose ped., 18% a GP, 18% a psychiatrist, 42% a children's psychiatrist and 6% a psychologist. Of the 16 year olds only 2% decided to be treated by a ped., 3% by a GP, 23% by a psychiatrist, 30% by a children's psychiatrist and 25% by a psychologist. Asking these students who actually treated them in case of sickness, there was the definite tendency away from the ped. toward the GP in the age group beyond 12 and to specialists of any kind beyond 14 years.