Food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is a food-related gastrointestinal hypersensitivity disorder, probably non-IgE-mediated. Over the years, various diagnostic criteria have been proposed to identify FPIES. In the last few years, there was an increased interest from researchers about FPIES's syndrome, that frequently brought to discover new aspects of this disease. We describe an unusual case of FPIES to egg in a 21-months-old child, because of its clinical characteristics that reflect some aspects of IgE-mediated allergy and other of non IgE-mediated allergy. Although we believe that the most correct diagnosis for our case is FPIES, we think also that this is undoubtedly an atypical form. This is in fact, the first description of a patient who simultaneously has both clinical expressions of IgE-mediated FA that of FPIES. Our case highlights the need to review criteria for FPIES diagnosis.
Keywords: Diagnosis; IgE-mediated food allergy; egg; food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome.