Background: ln the current context of increasing numbers of children living with a chronic disease and increasing numbers of people supervising extracurricular activities, difficulties appear to persist despite the Personalised Core Project (PCP). This study explores the accessibility and usefulness of the information provided by the Personalised Care Project and the value of complementary support. Methods: Based on the key messages identified by experts in the four most common chronic diseases, a questionnaire was deve/oped and sent to people supervising extracurricular activities in three districts of the Saône-et-Loire department. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed. Results: 55 people participated in the study. 30 (54.5%) had already supervised children with a chronic disease, 21 (70%) of them had been able to read the PCP and 17 (57%) had participated in an information meeting. 23 out of 28 (82%) considered thot the information contained in the PCP was helpful and 21 (81%) expressed their needs for further information. 98% of respondents thought thot additional support would be useful. Their main needs corresponded to 3 main self-core ski/Js: to recognize, analyse and measure; to deal with and decide; to resolve prevention problems. Conclusion: This study confirms the value of the PCP, but also the Jack of preparation of people supervising extracurricu/ar activ ities. lt highlights the need for training to allow these people to ensure the safety of chi /dren living with chronic diseases.