Facial feminization surgery is a term to describe the surgical alteration of a masculine facial appearance to a more feminine appearance, which is most commonly performed for male-to-female transsexual individuals. To alter the midfacial relations, segmentalized osteotomies were performed in selected patients expanding on the established techniques for facial feminization surgery. All patients underwent a preoperative 3D computerized tomography scan and 3D photography before and after the surgery. The inclusion of the midface in surgery was determined based on the relative projection and angle of the zygomatic body compared with the supraorbital region (the supraorbital region was reduced in all patients). Patients were prospectively followed up by 3D surface photography and 3D computerized tomography scans. Rotation and advancement of the zygomatic region was found to be an effective way to further feminize the midfacial appearance in selected male-to-female transsexual patients. No major surgical complications occurred. Although somewhat technically challenging, we suggest that midface surgery should be considered for feminizing purposes in order for the patient to achieve a long-term favorable result compared with other alternative methods.