Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and systemic sclerosis (SSc) are complex chronic auto-immune diseases characterized by multiple organ involvement, comorbidities, and complications. This complexity results in a need for a multidisciplinary management and treatment of SLE and SSc by physicians from a number of medical disciplines, all of who may have different perceptions concerning the condition of a particular patient. The aim of this study was to explore differences in physicians' perceptions on the illness of SLE and SSc patients. Physicians from nine disciplines working at three hospitals in Belgium completed illness perception questionnaires for healthcare professionals based on four patient vignettes, i.e., two vignettes per disease (SLE-SSc). Statistical analysis was carried out by a k-means clustering technique for clustering physicians according to their illness perceptions. Fifty physicians, 62% men with a mean age of 42.8 years (SD 11.3) and mean working experience of 12.7 years (SD 11.6), participated. For each disease, three clusters of physicians with different scores in illness perceptions were identified. For SLE, these clusters were specified as the 'optimistic' group, the 'realistic' group, and the 'overwhelming impact by disease' group. For SSc, the clusters were characterized as the 'optimistic' group, the 'realistic' group, and the 'skeptical' group. We found divergent illness perceptions across physicians of the same and other disciplines. Our study yielded three clusters of physicians per disease with a large variability in illness perceptions. Further studies should focus on the factors that determine these differences and their consequences for patient care.
Keywords: Illness perceptions; Patient vignettes; Physicians; Systemic Sclerosis; Systemic lupus erythematosus.