[Relationship Between Respiratory Function and Myocardial Structure and Function in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Ischemic Heart Disease]

Kardiologiia. 2015 Jan;55(1):4-8.
[Article in Russian]


Purpose: to analyze main parameters of respiratory dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) with and without concomitant ischemic heart disease (IHD).

Material and methods: We examined 104 patients with DM without (n= 64, 61.5%) and with (n=40, 38.5%) concomitant IHD. Examination included taking medical history, registration of parameters of myocardial and respiratory function and lung diffusion capacity. Resuts. Respiratory dysfunction in patients with DM was related to disease duration and glycose level. Presence of IHD and chronic heart failure of high functional class was associated with more pronounced reduction of forced expiratory volume in 1 sec and lung diffusion capacity.

Conclusion: Revealed association between respiratory parameters and characteristics of the state of myocardium evidence for possible contribution of the latter in development of respiratory dysfunction in patients with DM.

Publication types

  • English Abstract