In BALB/cfC3H and BALB/cfRIII virgin female mice, i.e., BALB/c mice carrying milk-transmitted C3H and those carrying RIII murine mammary tumor virus infection, respectively, mammary noduligenesis and tumorigenesis are remarkably different. Focal hyperplastic alveolar changes or hyperplastic alveolar nodules were removed from BALB/cfRIII or BALB/cfC3H breeding female donors and transplanted into the gland-free mammary fat pads of syngeneic BALB/c virgin female recipients with or without hormonal supplementation. The results obtained have shown significant differences in: (a) the morphological type of outgrowths; (b) the incidence of malignant transformations; and (c) the hormonal responsiveness of the tumors arisen after pituitary transplants.