Topoisomerase II beta (Top2b) is an enzyme that alters the topologic states of DNA during transcription. Top2b deletion in early retinal progenitor cells causes severe defects in neural differentiation and affects cell survival in all retinal cell types. However, it is unclear whether the observed severe phenotypes are the result of cell-autonomous/primary defects or non-cell-autonomous/secondary defects caused by alterations of other retinal cells. Using photoreceptor cells as a model, we first characterized the phenotypes in Top2b conditional knockout. Top2b deletion leads to malformation of photoreceptor outer segments (OSs) and synapses accompanied by dramatic cell loss at late-stage photoreceptor differentiation. Then, we performed mosaic analysis with shRNA-mediated Top2b knockdown in neonatal retina using in vivo electroportation to target rod photoreceptors in neonatal retina. Top2b knockdown causes defective OS without causing a dramatic cell loss, suggesting a Top2b cell-autonomous function. Furthermore, RNA-seq analysis reveals that Top2b controls the expression of key genes in the photoreceptor gene-regulatory network (e.g., Crx, Nr2e3, Opn1sw, Vsx2) and retinopathy-related genes (e.g., Abca4, Bbs7, Pde6b). Together, our data establish a combinatorial cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous role for Top2b in the late stage of photoreceptor differentiation and maturation. © 2017 The Authors Journal of Neuroscience Research Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Keywords: GSE86187; gene expression; neural development; neural differentiation; retina photoreceptors; transcriptional regulatory network.
© 2017 The Authors Journal of Neuroscience Research Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.