The model envisages two components in the process, whereby Ht equivalents of co-substrate and St equivalents of substrate accumulate in the cellular compartment in time t. The first is the flow through the symport, n equivalents of co-substrate entering or leaving with each substrate equivalent. The second is the basal flow of co-substrate outside the symport. In certain specific circumstances n can be derived by plotting Ht/t against St/t. The principal requirement is that, whereas the ratio of the component flows must change in the interval t, the magnitude of the basal flow must either be zero or constant. The procedure is applied to published observations [West & Mitchell (1973) Biochem. J. 132, 587-592] on the lactose-proton symport of Escherichia coli [n = 1.075 +/- 0.064(7)] and to new observations on the isoleucine-Na+ symport of mouse ascites-tumour cells [n = 1.136 +/- 0.120(18)].