A full term boy was admitted with respiratory distress in the fourth week of his life due to spontaneous chylothorax in his right hemithorax. Spontaneous chylothorax occurred previously in a first cousin of the neonate establishing that way the final diagnosis of familial idiopathic congenital pneumothorax. Failure of the conservative treatment consisting of chest tube drainage, discontinuation of oral diet and administration of total parenteral nutrition in combination with octreotide for one month was followed by the successful ligation of the thoracic duct through a right thoracotomy. The boy still remains free of symptoms and without recurrence of the chylothorax two years later.
Keywords: Chylothorax; Congenital chylothorax; Familial chylothorax; Spontaneous chylothorax; Thoracic duct; Thoracic duct ligation.