In term breech deliveries, vaginal delivery can be safely envisioned in some conditions (related to patient selection and obstetrician experience). Very few data are currently available, however, about the possibility of inducing labor in these situations.
Objective: To assess the effectiveness and safety of induction of labor for breech presentations.
Study design: Retrospective comparative hospital-based study of a continuous series of term breech deliveries from 2000 to 2010. The condition of term breech newborns delivered vaginally after induction of labor was compared to that of their counterparts delivered vaginally after spontaneous labor.
Results: During the study period, 96 women with term fetuses in breech presentations had labor induced and 501 in spontaneous labor had attempted vaginal deliveries. Compared with spontaneous labor, induction was not associated with a significantly higher rate of cesarean delivery during labor (20.8 vs 14.8%, P=0.14), nor with poorer neonatal condition, defined either as moderate acidosis (pH<7.15; 21.6 vs 19.8%, P=0.71) or composite neonatal morbidity (2.1 vs 0.6%, P=0.16).
Conclusion: Our data indicate that, compared with spontaneous labor, neither cervical ripening nor oxytocin induction of labor is associated with either a poorer neonatal prognosis or an excess rate of obstetric complications in term breech births, and that the success rate of induction is satisfactory.
Keywords: Breech; Cervical ripening; Déclenchement; Induction; Induction of labor; Maturation cervicale; Siège; Vaginal delivery; Voie basse.
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