In Ca2+ and Mg2+ buffer solutions the ionised concentrations ([X2+]) are either calculated or measured. Calculated values vary by up to a factor of seven due to the following four problems: The calculated [X2+] in buffers are so inconsistent that calculation is not an option. Until standards are available, the [X2+] in the buffers must be measured. The Ligand Optimisation Method is an accurate and independently verified method of doing this (McGuigan & Stumpff, Anal. Biochem. 436, 29, 2013). Lack of standards means it is not possible to compare the published [Ca2+] in the nmolar range, and the apparent constant (K/) values for Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding to intracellular ligands amongst different laboratories. Standardisation of Ca2+/Mg2+ buffers is now essential. The parameters to achieve this are proposed.
Keywords: Ca(2+)/Mg(2+) buffers; Calculated ionised concentrations; Ionised concentrations; Ligand optimisation method; Measured ionised concentrations; Standard Ca(2+)/Mg(2+) buffers.
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