Polypathological patients have specific clinical, functional, psychoaffective, social, family and spiritual characteristics. These patients are generally elderly and frail and have frequent decompensations. They frequently use healthcare resources, have significant functional impairment and have a high index of dependence. This results in a significant social impact, high mortality and a high consumption of resources. The current healthcare models have not answered these needs, which causes problems with accessibility to healthcare services, a lack of coordination among these services, a higher probability of adverse events related to polypharmacy and a high consumption of resources. In the past decade, the healthcare models have changed and are characterized by work in multidisciplinary and interlevel teams, patient self-care, the availability of tools for decision making, information and communication systems and prevention. The goal is to have prepared and proactive health teams and an informed and active patient population. The assessment of health results, processes and the costs for these programs is still based on moderate to low evidence. It is therefore not an easy task to determine the type and intensity of interventions or to determine the patient groups that could gain more benefits.
Keywords: Chronic diseases; Enfermedades crónicas; Health results; Healthcare models; Modelos asistenciales; Pluripatología; Polypathology; Resultados en salud.
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