Introduction: In Uganda, the maternal, newborn and child mortality is highest in rural areas, which are least served by health services and are also least reached by effective behavior change communication for health. Though maternal and child health related messages are available, they are still not culture and context specific for effective behaviour change.
Aim: This study aimed at evaluating the feasibility of using locally made videos by local community groups in local languages as a channel for increasing knowledge, practices, demand and use of maternal and child health messages among women living in rural communities in Eastern Uganda.
Methods: This paper describes the qualitative findings from a quasi experimental study targeting the rural semi-illiterate populations in hard to reach areas. Videos were developed and implemented based on Ministry of Health. Focus group discussions and KIs targeted pregnant and post natal mothers. Data transcription and content analysis was done.
Results: Local mobile community videos were effective in communicating knowledge about key maternal and child health messages to both women and their male partners.
Conclusion: Locally made mobile community videos are effective in improving knowledge, attitudes, practices and use of maternal and child health messages among rural semi-illiterate communities.
Keywords: Community-made mobile videos; a qualitative evaluation; child health education; maternal; newborn; rural Uganda.