Objective: to report the experience on infant mortality surveillance (IMS) in the municipality of Recife-PE, Brazil.
Methods: a documentary research and a query with key-informants who participated in the implementation and consolidation of the IMS were conducted; data of the Mortality Information System (SIM) and of the surveillance worksheets were used to measure the coverage of the investigated deaths.
Results: the implementation of the IMS has occurred gradually since 2003; the strategy is composed by (i) identification of deaths, (ii) investigation, (iii) discussion, (iv) recommendations and correction of vital statistics; upon completion of implementation (2006), 98.5% (256) of the deaths had been investigated and discussed, with the participation of those involved in the cases; in 2015, this coverage corresponded to 97.7%.
Conclusion: the main recommendations consisted of expanding the access, coverage and improvement of primary, secondary and tertiary care quality; IMS is able to support changes in health care practices, as well as planning and organization of maternal and child care.