The cough and cold are very widespread conditions and a common purpose for advice in general practice. Utmost often the sign and symptoms of cough are produced by acute viral airway infection and the course is frequently benign. But it can be converted into bacterial super-infection and can cause acute bronchitis. Herbal medicines are used to treat symptoms of the cough and cold, and among these medicines Ivy leaf is used to treat mucous discharge and irritation in throat due to the cough and cold. In addition to synthetic substances such as acetylcysteine, carbocisteins, ambroxol and bromhexine, herbal medicines contain saponins, which are used in these indications. Not just Ivy, but also the marshmallow and mustard seeds used for these indications. This clinical trial was conducted in 220 patients, in which 110 receive the CofNovex plus European Medicines Agency (EMA) syrup and 110 receive the placebo. The age range of patients was 3 years to above 15 years. The sample paired t-test was applied to evaluate the significant level. CofNovex plus (EMA) syrup was very effective in treating cough and cold symptoms. The new treatment CofNovex plus (EMA) syrup was safe and well tolerated in patient at given specific age group.