Introduction: Primary teeth have shown wide variations in their eruption time among different population. Population specific eruption ages are provided as mean with standard deviations or median ages with its percentile range. This alone will be insufficient for prediction of tooth eruption sequence because they provide no information on the frequency of sequence variation within the pairs of teeth. Norms of polymorphic variation in the eruption sequence can be more useful.
Aim: This study aims at providing norms for the sequence polymorphism in primary teeth among the children of Mysore population.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was designed with 1392 children, recruited from December 2015 to June 2016 by simple random sampling method. Tooth was recorded as present or absent. Across the entire possible intra quadrant tooth pair, cases of present-present, absent-absent, present-absent and absent-present and were counted and computed as percentages.
Results: Sequence polymorphisms were more common in 82-84 pairs of teeth. Significant polymorphic reverse sequence was observed in 52-54 (9%), 82-84 (35%) in males and 82-84 (18%) in females. There was no polymorphism in maxillary arch in females.
Conclusion: The present study provides the baseline data values for sequence variation in primary teeth eruption. To the best of investigators knowledge, there are no previous studies describing the sequence polymorphism in primary teeth in Indian population. The results of this study helps in assessment of eruption sequence problems in paediatric dentistry and in evaluation and prediction of tooth eruption sequence in individual child.
Keywords: Deciduous teeth; Mandibular molar; Reverse sequence polymorphism.