Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a proliferative retinal vascular disease affecting the retina of premature infants. The clinical spectrum of ROP varies from spontaneous regression to bilateral retinal detachment and total blindness. Between these two extremes lies the form of ROP, which is amenable to treatment with laser photocoagulation, anti-vascular endothelial growth factor drugs or surgery. Increasing rates of preterm births coupled with better survival rates but lack of uniform quality of neonatal care and delays in diagnosis have led to increasing ROP blindness. Atypical forms of Aggressive Posterior ROP are seen in heavier birth weight babies in developing countries. Prevention of ROP by following stringent protocols for supplemental oxygen, prevention of sepsis, timely screening and laser treatment by a concerted and collaborative effort of neonatologists and ophthalmologists are required to fight the blindness from ROP.
Keywords: Laser photocoagulation; Neonatologist; Preterm; Prevention; Retinopathy of prematurity; Review; Screening.