Postoperative chylothorax is a relatively rare but potentially fatal complication caused by iatrogenic injury to thoracic duct system, with an incidence ranging from 2 to 4% after major lung surgery or esophagectomy. The pathophysiologic features of chylothorax include dehydration, loss of nutrients and immunological components. Intraopreative prevention is the first step for the management, and treatment options include conservative therapy, percutaneous intervention, and redo-operation. Although the treatment algorithm has not been standardized, chylothorax which is refractory to conservative treatment, or that with high output greater than 1,000 ml/day should be treated aggressively with thoracic duct embolization or redo-operation in a timely fashion. We herein review the anatomy and physiology of thoracic duct system and describe the overview of prevention and each theapeutic options of postoperative chylothorax.