Newborns affected by congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) need cardio-respiratory stabilization before undergoing surgical repair. Open lung strategy is a well-established approach to optimize lung volume in preterm infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS), using both High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV) and Conventional Mechanical Ventilation (CMV). We report a case of left CDH with severe lung hypoplasia, managed applying open lung strategy in HFOV (pre-surgery period) and in Assist-Control with Volume Guarantee (post-surgery period), guided by SpO2 changes, TcPO2 and TcPCO2 monitoring. Opto-electronic plethysmography was used to measure end-expiratory chest wall volume changes (ΔEEcw) related to lung volume variations occurring during pressure changes. OEP confirmed the efficacy of using SpO2 and transcutaneous gas monitoring during this recruitment maneuver.
Keywords: CDH; Lung volume; Newborn; Opto-electronic plethysmography; Ventilation strategy.