Objective: To compare transcutaneous bilirubin with total serum bilirubin in preterm neonates after initiation of phototherapy.
Methods: Jaundice was assessed in 30 preterm neonates with transcutaneous bilirubin and total serum bilirubin before initiation of phototherapy and at 12 hr after initiation of phototherapy. A photo-occlusive patch was applied over the sternum.
Results: Transcutaneous bilirubin has a good correlation with total serum bilirubin after initiation of phototherapy. (r=0.918, P<0.001). Transcutaneous bilirubin at 28-32 weeks of gestation (r = 0.97) was better correlated with total serum bilirubin than those at 32-37 weeks (r =0.88). The correlation was better for neonates <72 hours old (r = 0.96) than those >72 hours of age (r = 0.82).
Conclusion: Transcutaneous bilirubin correlates significantly with total serum bilirubin at the patched sternal site after initiation of phototherapy in preterm neonates.