DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA were used as a molecular epidemiological tool to study multiple isolates of virus from the same and different individuals. We studied 35 EBV isolates: 19 from seven immunocompromised children and 16 from seven college students with mononucleosis. Analysis of the fragment length polymorphisms in this collection of isolates permitted several conclusions. Sites of polymorphism were most often encountered in regions with repetitive DNA. Epidemiologically unrelated patients harbored viruses that could be readily distinguished; by contrast, two infants and their mothers harbored similar viruses. Isolates from different sites in the same patient were similar. Variations between different clinical isolates of EBV mimic those found between different laboratory strains of the virus. Fragment length polymorphisms thus provide a useful marker for studying transmission and pathogenesis of EBV infections.