1 Department of Medical Oncology, Bellaria Hospital, Azienda USL - IRCCS Institute of Neurological Sciences, Via Altura 3, 40139, Bologna, Italy.
2 Department of Oncology, Hematology and Respiratory Diseases, University Hospital of Modena, Via del Pozzo 71, 41125, Modena, Italy.
3 Department of Neurosciences, Statistics and Informatics Unit, Azienda Ospedale-Universita`, Via Giustiniani 2, 35128, Padua, Italy.
4 Department of Oncology and Hematology, Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (IRST) - IRCCS, Viale Ghirotti, 286, 47521, Cesena, Italy.
5 Department of Neurosurgery, Bellaria Hospital, Azienda USL - IRCCS Institute of Neurological Sciences, Bologna, Italy.
6 Department of Medical Oncology, University Hospital of Parma, Via Gramsci 14, 43100, Parma, Italy.
7 Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital of Parma, Via Gramsci 14, 43100, Parma, Italy.
8 Department of Neurosurgery, Ospedale S. Agostino-Estense, via Giardini 1355, 41126, Modena, Italy.
9 Clinical Oncology Unit, St Anna University Hospital, Corso Giovecca 203, 44121, Ferrara, Italy.
10 Neurology Unit, IRCCS-Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova, Viale Risorgimento 80, 42123, Reggio Emilia, Italy.
11 Department of Neuroradiology, University Hospital of Parma, Via Gramsci 14, 43100, Parma, Italy.
12 Department of Neurosurgery, St Anna University Hospital, Corso Giovecca 203, 44121, Ferrara, Italy.
13 Department of Oncology and Hematology, General Hospital, Via Randi 5, 48100, Ravenna, Italy.
14 Department of Oncology and Hematology, Oncology Unit, Azienda Ospedaliera Guglielmo da Saliceto, Via Taverna 49, 29100, Piacenza, Italy.
15 Medical Oncology Unit, Ramazzini Hospital, Via Molinari 2, 41012, Carpi, Italy.
16 Department of Medical Oncology, Infermi Hospital, Via Settembrini 2, 47900, Rimini, Italy.
17 IRCCS Institute of Neurological Sciences, via Altura 3, 40139, Bologna, Italy.
18 Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Via Foscolo 7, 40123, Bologna, Italy.
19 Department of Medical Oncology, Bellaria Hospital, Azienda USL - IRCCS Institute of Neurological Sciences, Via Altura 3, 40139, Bologna, Italy. alba.brandes@yahoo.it.
The members of the PERNO Study Group were not individually captured in the metadata of the original publication. They are included in the metadata of this publication.