Background: Healthcare adapted meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has spread to hospitals around the world over 50 years. More recently, other strains of MRSA have emerged with the ability to spread in the community and infect otherwise healthy individuals. Morbidity and mortality associated with MRSA remains high and its control in both the healthcare and community setting has proven challenging.
Sources of data: Pubmed (Medline).
Areas of agreement: The use of targeted screening and decolonization, hand hygiene and antimicrobial stewardship is supported by the most robust studies, though many studies have implemented bundles for effective healthcare-associated (HA)-MRSA control.
Areas of contention: Universal screening, universal decolonization and contact precautions for HA-MRSA control are supported by less evidence. Some interventions may not be cost-effective. Contact precautions may be associated with potential for patient harm. Evidence for effective control community acquired (CA)-MRSA is largely lacking.
Growing points: Programmes that focus on implementing bundles of interventions aimed at targeting HA-MRSA are more likely to be effective, with an emphasis on hand hygiene as a key component. Control of CA-MRSA is likely to be more difficult to achieve and relies on prevalence, risk factors and community healthcare interactions on a broader scale.
Areas timely for developing research: Further research in the area of CA-MRSA in particular is required. Antimicrobial stewardship for both CA and HA-MRSA is promising, as is the role of whole genome sequencing in characterizing transmission. However, further work is required to assess their long-term roles in controlling MRSA. With many institutions applying widespread use of chlorhexidine washes, monitoring for chlorhexidine resistance is paramount to sustaining efforts at controlling MRSA.